Power of Women in Philanthropy presented by Century Group>>
“How do I make sure my Will takes care of those I love and the charitable causes I care for?”
Having a legal Will can give you peace of mind, knowing that your final wishes will be met and loved ones taken care of, after you have gone. It also provides an opportunity to make a meaningful gift in support of a charity that is near and dear to your heart.
Making a charitable gift through your Will can have significant tax savings for your estate and a meaningful impact for your charity of choice. When a gift is made, a charitable tax receipt is issued to your estate which can help to reduce or eliminate final taxes owning.
‘Partners for Tomorrow’ is a wonderful group of individuals who have made a promise to leave a future gift to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation. Remembering Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation as part of your estate plans helps build a strong and vibrant future for the Delta Hospital Campus of Care which includes, Delta Hospital, Mountain View Manor and the Irene Thomas Hospice.
If you are interested in leaving a bequest to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation in your Will, please contact: [email protected] or call 604 940 9695.
More information on making a charitable gift through you Will to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation is available on our website: www.dhchfoundation.ca