Sponsorship Opportunities Available for Delta Health Classic>>

Delta Hospital Staff

Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation is proud to support staff at Delta Hospital through fundraising for the very best in medical equipment, and by supporting staff with their ongoing education and development. Below are some opportunities available to Delta Hospital Staff. We encourage you to visit our ways to give section to find out other ways to support your hospital.


The Delta Cedar Products Educational Fund was established in 1995 through a generous donation of a $250,000 endowment fund by Mr. Errol Wintemute. The objectives of this fund are to provide bursaries to support educational programs for anyone in the surrounding Delta region who are in healthcare related employment to meet the current and future health needs of the community.


Delta Hospital Staff Payroll Lottery

Support Delta Hospital and give where you work! All full-time, part-time or casual employees can sign-up to have $5 per entry deducted through Fraser Health payroll for a chance to win the DHCHF Payroll Lottery. Draws take place every payday Thursday at 10:00am at the Foundation office.
