Our incredible orthopedic team is counting your support. Donate today to help them strengthen care and serve our community even more. >>


To all my fellow Realtors,

My name is Scott Walker and I am a proud Delta resident and Realtor, just like you, and I am also a Century Group Delta Health Classic Committee Member. This year’s Century Group Delta Health Classic golf tournament is raising critical funds for Delta Hospital’s busy Surgical Services Department. In this thriving real estate market, I have decided to step up and donate $500 towards this important fundraiser for our community hospital and I want to put out the challenge to you, and all my fellow realtors, to do the same. Let’s all show our support for Delta Hospital and ensure the health of this amazing community that we call home.

All supporting realtors will receive name recognition through:

• Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation Social Media Channels
• Mention from Podium at 19th Hole Reception

Don’t be missing from the list, show your support for the health of our community. Thank you in advance for helping to ensure the best of health for all who live and work in Delta.


Donate now towards the Delta Realtors Challenge!